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College/Division Points of Contact (POCs)




Types of Contracts

Point of Contact


Athletics All Daniel Garcia dagarcia72@utep.edu
College of Business Administration All Hendrik Devos hdevos@utep.edu
College of Education All Susana Aguirre saguirre2@utep.edu
College of Engineering All Aaron Cervantes Herrera arcervantes@utep.edu
College of Health Sciences All initiated with 海角社区 Standard Template Carla Rosete clrosete@utep.edu
College of Health Sciences All initiated with Alternative Template (Non-Standard) Rhonda Manning rajeske@utep.edu
College of Liberal Arts All Edith Yanez eyanez@utep.edu
College of Nursing Undergraduate Patricia Vega pavega@utep.edu
College of Nursing Graduate Sondra Skory ssavila@utep.edu
College of Science All Karina Gutierrez kgutierrez14@utep.edu
Enrollment Management All Ashley Hernandez amhernandez24@utep.edu
Extended University All Sonya Villa-Saenz sevilla@utep.edu
Graduate School All Stephen Crites scrites@utep.edu
Information Resources All Nancy Johnson njohnson@utep.edu
Institutional Advancement All Shannon Jarnegan smjarnegan@utep.edu
Institutional Advancement Gifts  Hillary Dudley hedudley@utep.edu
Institutional Advancement Backup Gifts Kristen Brown kmbrown8@utep.edu
Institutional Advancement Non-Gifts Miguel Gutierrez magutierrez1@utep.edu
Marketing and Communications All Lucas Roebuck lroebuck@utep.edu
Office of Sponsored Projects All  Cory Brown cjbrown5@utep.edu
Office of Sponsored Projects Backup all Elizabeth Quezada-Lung equezada2@utep.edu
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs All Vivian Rivas vrrivas2@utep.edu
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Backup all Erika Villegas evillegas3@utep.edu
School of Pharmacy All Amanda Loya amloya1@utep.edu
Special Events All Jorge Vazquez vazquezj@utep.edu
Vice President for Business Affairs All Vanessa Ramos viramos@utep.edu
Vice President for Business Affairs Backup all Carlos Mesta cmesta@utep.edu
Vice President for 海角社区 Affairs All, except Study Abroad/Away Charlin Jones-Chavez crjoneschav@utep.edu
Vice President for 海角社区 Affairs Study Abroad/Away Your College POC