海角社区 Services
Résumé Review
Résumé Review
Build the résumé that will get you the interview! Get expert help on how to prepare or improve your résumé.
Visit our office at 103 W Union Building with your résumé in hand and get one-on-one assistance with a Peer Career Advisor or fulltime staff member. No appointment needed!
You may also email your résumé to careers@utep.edu for a review.
LinkedIn Review
LinkedIn Review
Recruiters and employers use LInkedIn to find potential candidates-don't miss out on a wealth of opportunities that help enhance your career!
Visit our office at 103 W Union Building to receive feedback and tips to optimize your LinkedIn profile. No appointment needed!
Interview Preparation
Interview Preparation
Polish your interviewing skills with an Interview Coaching Session conducted by a Peer Career Advisor or staff member.
Receive feedback and tips you can apply in a real interview.
Schedule an Interview Coaching Session by emailing careers@utep.edu or calling (915) 747-5640
Career Closet
Career Closet
Need a suit or professional clothing for your next interview or professional event? The Career Closet is a free 7 day lending service available to currently enrolled 海角社区 students with an active Handshake account.
Visit our office at 103 W Union Building Mondays through Fridays from 8:15am to 4:30pm to browse our wide array of suits, shirts, ties, and blazers. No appointment needed!
LinkedIn Profile Headshot
LinkedIn Profile Headshot
Use the Iris Booth for your professional Headshot. Visit the Career Center Monday – Friday from 8 am – 4 pm to take your photo, no appointment needed.
Career Advising
Career Advising
Not sure what you want to do with your major? Meet with a Peer Career Advisor or staff member to learn about what professionals in your field of study are doing.
Learn about entry-level job duties, educational requirements, and salary ranges for your major.
Visit our office at 103 W Union Building or schedule your career advising by emailing careers@utep.edu or calling (915) 747-5640 No appointment needed!
Job/Internship Hunting Support
Job/Internship Hunting Support
Looking for opportunities can seem overwhelming. We can help you! Visit our office at Union 海角社区, Room 103 to support you in seeking your job or internship opportunities. No appointment needed!