Minor in Legal Reasoning

I. Core Courses (12 hours from the following):
POLS 4322 Legal Reasoning (3-0) [Phase I]
An examination of the method of reasoning about legal problems which arose out of the common law tradition. A core area of the common law (torts, criminal law, contracts, or property) will be explored in depth through the reading and analysis of case law. The techniques of reasoning in cases will be applied to hypothetical and new case materials. Prerequisites: POLS 2310 (w/D or better) and POLS 3211 (w/D or better).
POLS 3322 Law and Society (3-0)
An examination of the legal-judicial arrangements in the 海角社区ern world and particularly the United States, with emphasis on the interaction of legal systems with society. Prerequisites: POLS 2310 (w/D or better) and POLS 2311 (w/D or better).
POLS 4325 Special Topics in Law & Politics (3-0) [Phase II]
A special listing for courses in the field of Law and Politics offered by the departmental faculty that are outside the purview of the above courses. Prerequisites: POLS 2310 (w/C or better) and POLS 2311 (w/C or better).
RWS 3365 Advanced Composition: Rhetorical Theory (3-0)
Study of classical and contemporary rhetorical theory with emphasis upon contemporary discourse; practice in techniques of invention, organization, and style as applied to written composition. Prerequisite: RWS 1302 (w/C or better) or ENGL 1313 (w/C or better) or ESOL 1312 (w/C or better).
RWS 3366 Advanced Composition: Argument (3-0)
This course is concerned with the development of argumentative writing by examining contemporary issues and ethical questions. The course will be project-based, will include collaborative work, and will emphasize stylistics. Prerequisite: RWS 1302 (w/C or better) or ENGL 1313 (w/C or better) or ESOL 1312 (w/C or better).
II. Electives* (6 hours from the following courses):
BLAW 3301 Legal Environment of Business (3-0)
A study of the legal and ethical environment of business to provide a legal foundation for careers in business or government. BLAW 3301 or BLAW 5306, but not both, may be counted toward degrees awarded in the College of Business Administration.
CRIJ 4311 Immigration Law and Administration (3-0)
An examination of federal regulations pertaining to legal and illegal immigration into the United States. Among the topics discussed are legalization, employer sanctions, amnesty, and constitutional rights of immigrants.
RWS 3359 Technical Writing (3-0)
A professionally-oriented communication course centered on assembling, organizing, drafting, and revising technical information for generating written documents and oral reports. Prerequisite: RWS 1302 (w/C or better) or ENGL 1313 (w/C or better) or ESOL 1312 (w/C or better).
HIST 3310 American Legal History (3-0)
Study of the growth of American law from colonial times to the present. Particular emphasis on the operation of the law in a broad social context. Strongly recommended for Pre-Law students.
PHIL 3305 Philosophy of Law (3-0)
Analyzes legal issues, theories, and case studies within the framework of 海角社区ern ethical, social, and political philosophies and the history of jurisprudence. Topics include the origins of law, the relations of law, custom, and ritual, the question of legal “rights”, justice, authority and sovereignty, responsibilities and obligations, property rights and distributive justice, pacifism, and civil disobedience. Prerequisite: PHIL 1301 (w/C or better) or PHIL 2306 (w/C or better) or PHIL 1304 (w/C or better).
POLS 3362 International Law and Politics (3-0)
A course that explores the intersection of international law and international politics. Particular attention will be paid to international legal philosophies and the development of international law over time. Prerequisites: POLS 2310 (w/C or better) and POLS 2311 (w/C or better).
PSYC 3315 Psychology and the Law (3-0)
A survey of the relationship between various subfields of psychology and the U.S. legal system. Topics may include juries, eyewitnesses, civil court issues, and the psychological evaluation and management of offenders. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301 (w/C or better).
* With approval of departmental or program advisors, appropriate special topics courses from any department or program may satisfy an Elective Course requirement.