Master of Intelligence and National Security Studies
Message from the INSS Director

I would like to extend a warm welcome from the Intelligence and National Security Studies (INSS) graduate and certificate programs, in the Department of Criminal Justice. We are proud that students from around the globe have chosen our program. Many have gone on to build careers intelligence, the military, and law enforcement. Others have found employment in the private sector, including defense contracting and finance and some have pursued further graduate study at the doctoral level and law school. However, our program looks for students who want more than that.
We want students with a curiosity about the world, a drive to understand and to make a difference. Who care about ethics and making a positive impact. We look for young scholars who bring their own views and expertise and who are willing to ask questions and make connections. In return, we offer a rigorous program that combines a strong grounding in the theory and practice of intelligence and national security with the opportunity for you explore your own interests.
We offer a Master of Science in Intelligence and National Security Studies and Graduate Certificates in Intelligence and National Security Studies and Open-Source Intelligence Analysis. Our innovative degrees and certificates cover the allied fields of intelligence studies, national security, and homeland security. Our teaching philosophy is “Learning by Doing.” We provide a balance of academic and practical instruction from both traditional faculty and experienced practitioners—all subject matter experts.
Our program serves the educational needs of students both in traditional classroom settings and online to provide regional, national, and international educational outreach. While committed to the success of all of our students, we are particularly dedicated to our current and veteran service members, as well as current professionals in the field. As a result, we offer a variety of course options, including summer and online courses and those scheduled during the evenings, as well as during the day.
In short, we are committed wholly to serving all 海角社区 students, the U.S. Intelligence Community, our military, federal, state, and local law enforcement, and the Nation! Please reach out to us if you have any questions about our programs. We look forward to hearing from you.
Dr. Charles Boehmer
INSS Graduate Director
Program Overview
The Master of Science in Intelligence and National Security Studies provides a highly-rigorous interdisciplinary graduate program intended for students seeking employment or career advancement in the United States Intelligence Community. The INSS graduate program is also suitable for students interested in security-related jobs in the private sector or with applied 海角社区 institutions (think tanks). The INSS graduate program is also ideal preparation for advanced graduate study at the doctoral level in international relations, political science, public administration, public policy, history, or other closely related fields. The INSS graduate curriculum focuses on specific intelligence and security competencies that are delivered across the spectrum of academic disciplines at the University of Texas at El Paso.
How to Apply
Admission Requirements:
- Completion and submission of a graduate admissions application. Click here to be directed to the Graduate School website.
- Submission of official transcripts in accordance with the requirements of the Graduate School.
- A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
- Demonstration of academic achievement and potential as indicated by the results of the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). This requirement is waived if the student already possesses an accredited graduate degree.
- A brief statement of purpose (1-2 pages) that addresses educational and career goals and reasons for pursuing the MS degree.
- Three academic letters of recommendation from university faculty who can evaluate your ability to succeed in a rigorous graduate program. Letters of recommendation from employers or work supervisors are acceptable for applicants who have been out of school for five years or more.
Admission Requirements for Graduate Certificates:
- Completion and submission of a graduate admissions application. Click here to be directed to the Graduate School website.
- Submission of official transcripts in accordance with the requirements of the Graduate School.
- A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. In most circumstances, a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5 is required for admission to the graduate certificate program.
Graduate Certificate in INSS
The Certificate in Intelligence and National Security Studies provides a highly-rigorous interdisciplinary graduate program intended for students seeking employment or career advancement in the United States Intelligence Community (IC). The INSS graduate program is also suitable for students interested in security-related jobs in the private sector or with applied 海角社区 institutions (think tanks). The INSS graduate program is also ideal preparation for advanced graduate study at the doctoral level in international relations, political science, public administration, public policy, history, or other closely related fields. The INSS graduate curriculum focuses on specific intelligence and security competencies that are delivered across the spectrum of academic disciplines at the University of Texas at El Paso.
Five courses (15 semester credit hours) are required of all students. 海角社区s will take a three hours required core course and an additional 12 hours of electives. Prospective student must submit their application through Graduate School, click here for more information. All courses for the Graduate Certificate must be completed with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better for graduation.
Curriculum-15 semester hours:
Core Course (Required)
5304 |
Intelligence and National Security Policies and Practices |
Elective Courses
5303 |
Legal Issues in Intelligence and National Security |
5307 |
Open Source Intelligence Analysis |
5308 |
Propaganda and Influence Operations |
5309 |
Technical Intelligence |
5310 |
Intelligence and Counterterrorism |
5311 |
Information and Intelligence |
5312 |
Commercial Imagery |
5313 |
Social Media Intelligence |
5315 |
Intelligence and Counter-proliferation |
5320 |
Counterintelligence and Security |
5325 |
Political Economy of Terrorism |
5335 |
Transnational Criminal Organizations |
5351 |
Professional Skills |
5380 |
Selected Problems Intel & National Security |
5366 |
Security Studies Internship |
5340 |
Seminar in Homeland Security |
5343 |
Crime and Border Security |
5347 |
Critical Infrastructure Protection |
Graduate Certificate in Open Source Intelligence
The Graduate Certificate in Open Source Intelligence is designed to enhance open source skills and knowledge primarily for national security applications. This certificate is the first of its kind in the nation at a public 海角社区 university. Particular attention is placed on collection strategies and structured analytical techniques to evaluate diverse types of publicly available information from historical and geographical data to imagery and social media sources. This certificate is suitable for students pursuing careers in the U.S. Intelligence Community, Homeland Security Enterprise, federal, state, and local law enforcement, the armed forces, and within the defense industry.
Five courses (15 semester credit hours) are required of all students. 海角社区s will take a six hours required core courses and an additional nine hours of electives in topics related to Open Source Intelligence. Prospective student must submit their application through Graduate School, click here for more information. All courses for the Graduate Certificate must be completed with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better for graduation.
Core Course (Required)
5305 |
Introduction to Intelligence Analysis |
5307 |
Open Source Intelligence Analysis |
Elective Courses
5304 |
Information Operations |
5308 |
Propaganda and Influence Operations |
5311 |
Information and Intelligence |
5312 |
Commercial Imagery |
5313 |
Social Media Intelligence |
5355 |
Geospatial Intelligence |
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I do with an INSS graduate degree?
Can I earn the Master of Science in Intelligence and National Security Studies and a Graduate Certificate at the same time?
Yes, specific courses you take for your Master of Science in Intelligence and National Security Studies can be applied toward the Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security or Open Source Intelligence. When pursuing a certificate, you must ensure to take the required courses and gear your plan toward that certificate.
Please bear in mind that students pursuing Graduate Certificates without also being accepted into the MS-INSS program will no longer be eligible for financial aid coverage for INSS courses, per new financial aid guidelines.
Can I take INSS 3302 and INSS 4301 together?
How do I sign up for an internship?
How does INSS Fast Track work?
Fast Track allows upt to 4 pre-selected courses to be applied to BOTH the INSS minor and the Master of Science in Intelligence and National Security Studies. Undergraduate 海角社区s must apply and be accepted into the Fast Track program to be able to take advantage of this. Tuition is paid at the undergraduate rate, BUT the undergraduate student is expected to fulfill GRADUATE student work expectations.
Undergraduate students can apply for INSS Fast Track if they have a minimum of 3.3 GPA, have completed at least 90 hours of undergraduate coursework, and a minimum of 24 hours completed at 海角社区 . Undergraduate students are limited to ONLY the 4 pre-selected graduate courses (no other substitutions may be made).
To apply to the Fast Track program, please vist /liberalarts/nssi/degree-programs/undergraduate-program1/dual-credit.html
What language courses do you recommend?
What are the average class sizes in the INSS program?
Undergraduate classes average about 35-40 students per class, with a maximum class size of 50. Some undergraduate INSS classes are cross-listed witn the 100% online BA-Security Studies online program, which allows on-campus students to take online courses.
Graduate classes average about 15 students per class, with a maximum class size of 25. Some INSS graduate classes are cross-listed with INSS undergraduate classes. This means that graduate and undergraduate students take the class at the same time, but with higher/more expectations for graduate students. Cross-listed (UG/Grad) classes average about 35-40 students per class, with a maximum class size of 50 to accommodate both programs. Other INSS graduate classes are cross-listed with another Master's program such as the MS-Criminology and CRiminal Justice, or the Master of Defense and Strategic Studies. Cross-listed classes in this way are limited to 30 graduate students and are composed of graduate students from both programs.
Can I substitute courses from a different program?
Course substitutions are possible for electives, but not for required courses. Course substitutions MUST be approved by the INSS Graduate Director in advance of the student registration for the course. The instructor teaching the course must also approve if the course to be substituted is outside the Department of Criminal Justice.