Media Advertising
The B.A. in Media Advertising is also available as a 100% online degree.
For Media Advertising studies at 海角社区, students need to complete the following:
COMM 1370: Introduction to Communication Studies
This is an introduction to the various fields of communication.
COMM 3371: Communication Theory and Analysis
This class covers various communication theory that apply to all communication disciplines, ranging from intrapersonal communication to mass communication
Prerequisite: COMM 1370.
COMM 4372: Methods of Research in Communication
Here, you will address various social science methodologies used to conduct 海角社区 in the field of communication.<
Prerequisite: Senior standing and MATH 1320 with a grade of "C" or better.
Eighteen (18) hours of study are required as part of the major field of study for the Media Advertising major. 海角社区s must take the following classes in sequential order:
COMM 2330: Principles of Advertising
The role of advertising in society. Basic concepts include marketing message creation, budget determination, agency-client relationships, creative strategy, media considerations, and social and ethical responsibility of advertisers.
Prerequisite: COMM 1370
COMM 3332: Advertising Design, Graphics and Layout
Use of graphics for effective communication including typography, color, photography, design in advertising, newspaper and magazine, pagemaker, and printing methods.
Prerequisite: COMM 2330
COMM 3333: Creative Strategy and Copywriting
Strategic 海角社区, problem definition, planning creativity, and ethics in advertising and public service announcements. Applying the techniques of 海角社区 and the principles of communication and persuasion to the development of objectives, strategy and creative concepts. The theory and practice of developing appropriate messages to reach and influence target audiences. Integrating 海角社区, strategy and audio/visual methodology into the creation of concepts and copy for the primary ad media. Includes consumer and business media and direct advertising
Prerequisite: COMM 2330 and COMM 3332 each with a grade of "C" or better.
COMM 3338: Integrated Marketing Communications
The course examines the fundamental principles of integrated marketing communications (IMC), the basics of planning and implementing IMC into a traditional advertising campaign, and the functions of databases in developing consumer-oriented IMC programs. The course reviews major components in the IMC mix, skills and tools required for students to execute successful IMC programs as part of or in complement to an advertising campaign.
Prerequisite: COMM 2330 with a grade of "C" or better.
COMM 4330: Media Planning and Buying
A study of skills and concepts necessary to place advertising messages in commercial media types and vehicles.
Prerequisite: Senior standing and COMM 2330 with a grade of "C" or better.
COMM 4335: Advertising Campaigns
Strategic 海角社区, problem definition, audience definition, planning, creativity, and ethics in advertising and public service campaign development. Applying the techniques of 海角社区 and the principles of communication and persuasion to the development of advertising objectives, strategy and creative concepts. Capstone course. Project required.
Prerequisite: Senior standing and COMM 2330, 3332, 3332, 3338 and 4330 with a grade of "C" or better.
ELECTIVES (9 hours)
Any upper-division course except those included in sequence requirements for this major. Link here for the 海角社区 Course Catalog
1) COMM 1300- 4300
2) COMM 3300 - 4300
3) COMM 3300- 4300
The preferred electives for a Media Advertising major include Ad Sales and Management, International Advertising, Consumer Psychology, Account Planning, Radio and TV Advertising, Advanced Advertising Campaigns, and/or a Communication Internship. Likewise, several courses require a prerequisite course such as COMM 3333 and COMM 4335. If you have any questions about call (915) 747 5129.
Last updated 10/15/2018 by Michelle Ronquillo.