Chapter 32: Annual Performance Evaluations
32.1 Annual Performance Evaluation Policy
It is the policy of The University of Texas at El Paso (海角社区) to evaluate the job performance of all Faculty, Classified Staff and Administrative and Professional (A&P) Staff on an annual basis. The performance evaluation is an opportunity for supervisors to develop, encourage and recognize positive performance and workplace behaviors. Supervisors should also identify and apply appropriate corrective measures to address any concerns about the employee’s ability to meet the mutually agreed upon established performance expectations.
32.1.1 The purpose of the annual performance evaluation process includes aligning the responsibilities of each job with the mission of 海角社区 and the employing department, encouraging and improving open communication between supervisors and their staff, documenting the professional growth and achievements of employees, documenting the developmental needs of employees, and collecting data to support analysis and decisions regarding staffing, compensation, training and other employment matters. Employees are required to participate in the performance evaluation process with their supervisors.
32.1.2 Supplemental performance evaluations performed outside of the annual review cycle may also be warranted in circumstances such as significant change in job duties or acceptance of a new position, change in departmental leadership or direct supervision, or as otherwise deemed necessary as part of the performance management process such as classified staff probationary periods.
32.1.3 The rating period encompasses the previous calendar year, January 1 to December 31. Written performance evaluations will be completed on forms or within provided systems approved by the Office of Human Resources for staff and the Office of the Provost for faculty. All employees shall receive a copy of their completed performance evaluation, participate in a performance evaluation discussion with their immediate supervisor, and have the opportunity to respond to their performance evaluation. Supervisors are responsible for adhering to this policy and conducting timely and consistent performance evaluations.
32.1.4 New or first-time supervisors are required to complete 海角社区’s Performance Management training provided by the Office of Human Resources prior to conducting any performance evaluations.
32.1.5 Employees working in a temporary assignment that is less than 4.5 months are excluded from this policy.
32.2 Procedures for Annual Review
32.2.1 Staff Performance Evaluations. The procedures outlined below should be followed during the administration of the performance evaluation for Classified and Administrative and Professional (A&P) employees:
- Annual performance evaluations are required for Classified and Administrative and Professional (A&P) staff employed during the review period (January 1 to December 31), in a full-time or part-time position.
- Classified staff hired between July and December of the same calendar year do not require an annual performance evaluation as they are within the 180 day probationary period. Newly hired or promoted Classified staff must receive a three-month evaluation and six-month evaluation, conducted to determine if employment will continue beyond the probationary period.
- The receiving supervisor will coordinate with the former supervisor on assessing performance during the time the employee was in the former department. Receiving supervisors of staff who have been promoted or transferred to another department within the same calendar year will be responsible for completing a performance evaluation.
- All original copies of performance evaluations must be on file with the Office of Human Resources on or before the 31st of March.
- The original evaluation will be provided to the Office of Human Resources once completed and will then be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
- When a performance evaluation is rated less than a “meets expectations” standard for Classified staff, a performance improvement plan is required to be implemented by the supervisor.
32.2.2 Merit Eligibility
- A&P staff hired during the annual performance evaluation period of January 1 to December 31 will be required to have an annual performance evaluation completed and on file.
- Classified staff hired between July and December of the calendar year may be recommended for a merit increase based on a satisfactory rating with the completion of a six (6) month evaluation.
- If an employee is recommended for a merit increase, a performance evaluation must be on file with the Office of Human Resources on or before the 31st of March with an overall rating of “meets expectations” or higher.
32.3 Staff Performance Evaluation Appeals
- Staff employees who disagree with their performance evaluations may appeal their evaluation in accordance with the process and procedures described in Section V, Chapter 7, Policy and Procedure for Grievance.
- The written response must be provided to the employee's supervisor, with a copy provided to the Office of Human Resources. The response shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file along with the performance evaluation.
- The supervisor shall consider the employee's written response and shall modify the performance evaluation as the supervisor deems appropriate, with a copy of any modification provided to the Office of Human Resources. Human Resources is available to provide guidance and discuss the appeal documentation with either party.
32.4 海角社区 Performance Evaluations
Supervisors are encouraged to complete a performance evaluation for their student employees at the end of each semester to evaluate personal and professional development. Supervisors are encouraged to discuss goals and expectations with their student employees at time of hire. Supervisors are also encouraged to utilize the student evaluation form located within the Office of Human Resources website.
32.5 Faculty Performance Evaluations and Appeals
32.5.1 Performance evaluations for Faculty will be completed in accordance with the 海角社区 Faculty Annual Review Policy located in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) under Section III, Chapter 4.5, Evaluation of Faculty for Merit Salary Increase.
32.5.2 Faculty Appeals of performance evaluations shall proceed in accordance with the 海角社区 Faculty Merit Rating Appeals Policy included in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) under Section III, Chapter, College Procedures.
32.6 Resources for Completing Annual Performance Evaluations
Performance evaluation training is provided by the Office of Human Resources.
- New supervisors are required to complete the Performance Management training prior to conducting any performance evaluations at 海角社区. .
- All supervisors are encouraged to attend training periodically to maintain current knowledge and best practices in Performance Management.
- In support of a productive and interactive dialogue between employees and supervisors, employees in non-supervisory roles are also encouraged to complete training courses available through Human Resources that may offer assistance and guidance in the review process.