海角社区 Projects
Names: Yahir Chavez, Gloria Ramirez, Jocelyn Gonzalez, Carla Irigoyen, Diego Campos
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Space Assembly Architecture
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Names: David Lemaster, Jorge Cervantes, Samantha Atkins, Guadalupe Nevarez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: A Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach for a Lunar Terrain Vehicle
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Names: Jose Graells, Roberto Torres, Ivan Delgado, Eduardo Jaquez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Elevating Efficiency: Implementing Industry 4.0 at Eaton's LVA Manufacturing Center
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Names: Alexis Gutierrez, Fernanda Marquez, Joanna Hernandez, Brissa Lucero
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Engine Logistics
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Names: Matthew Braxton, Sergio Tellez, Paul Hinojos, Zachary Sosa
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: MOUNT FRANKLIN FOODS
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Names: Enoc Ferniza, Naomi Gutierrez, Robert Ruiz
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Satellite Modularity Design & Implementation
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Names: Adrian Nunez, Abraham Azaeta, Hande Yetis, Melony Rodriguez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Assembly of Space Structures
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Names: Carlos Ortega, Elizabeth Alexis Escandon, Justine Adebayo, Luis Ponce
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Candidate Selection for Mission Extension Vehicles
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Names: Eric Barragan, Jesus Guerra
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: 3D Printing In Space
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Names: Vanessa Alvarado, Raul Montes, Andrea Loya, Mireya Rocha
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
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Names: Javier Ramirez Elizalde, Jordan Barclay, Madeline Acosta Gomez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: How do Businesses Return a Package?
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Names: Abdulmohsen Al-Mutairi
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Drone Delivery
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Names: Sarah Flores
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: LATINOS UNIDOS USA LLC
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Names: Edwin De la Cruz, Briana Cardenas, Luis Garcia
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Clowe & Cowan of El Paso, LLC
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Names: Roberto Ponce Garcia, Ariadne S. Reveles, Maria G. Ornelas
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: CYBER SECURITY
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Names: Abisai Ramirez, Roxana Infante, Monica Prieto
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: ENGINE LOGISTICS
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Names: Jesus Alejandro Gutierrez Araiza, Jose Emilio Loya de la Rocha, Luis G Moreno
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: El Paso Electric
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Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Express Auto Centre Problems and Solutions
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Names: Mireya Jimenez, Nelia Faz, Karla Campos
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: RENNOVA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A Safety Engineering Project: An Integral Safety Program
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Names: Diego Garcia Tovar, Paola Rivera, Brenda Pacheco
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: LARK INDUSTRIES
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Names: Isaac Perezchica, Manuel Lopez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
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Names: Ariadne Reveles, Abdullah Alajmi, Maribel Alva, Miguelangel Castaño
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: AI in the Classroom Setting
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Names: Othman Alozainah, Priscila Balanzar Almazan, Mariana Cervantes Ruiz, Gerardo Gonzalez, Alexandra Montes
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
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Names: Gabriel Quesada, Jose Vasquez, Abdulaziz Alshaban, Deanna Richie
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: The Application of Covid-19 Regulations in Businesses
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Names: Andres Gomez, Aaron Muñoz, Diana Pablos, Silvia Meza
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Automatic Assembly System
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Names: Humberto Munoz, Ana Y. Ruiz, Julio C. Mora Cazares, Humberto Hernandez Rios
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Barcode Enhanced Inventory Management System
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Names: Edgar Solis, Samantha Ramirez, Valeria Alaniz, Menwah Aber
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Implementation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for contactless COVID-19 test delivery
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Names: Abdulaziz S Alazemi, Ibraheem Aradah, Meshal Alazmi, Barjas Alkaamar
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Kuwait Aviation College: Part – 147 Maintenance Training Organization
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Names: Retaj Bourabaa, Masoud Almutairi, Rawan Bourabaa, Khaled Alazemi, Abdullah Aldaas
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
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Names: Javier Acosta, Enoc Bordier, Ana Sofia Cardona Sanchez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Robotic Automated Manufacturing
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Names: Kevin Jurado, Jacqueline Arreola, Luis Ruiz
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
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Names: Leonardo Foligne, Ahmad Alenezi, Mohammad Alenezi, Duaij Redha, Omar Alwasmi
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Final presentation at Becton Dickinson
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Names: Verónica Loya, Oscar Chairez, Ruben Solano, Noel Ayala
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Redesign of C.T.D.I. Manufacturing Floor Layout
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Names: Dhari Alsaeedi, Mohammed Alqahtani, Smyer Ajhajri, Abdulaziz Alazemi
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Daltile Facility Analysis
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Names: Carmen Almeraz, Joshua Holguin, Rocio J. Lopez-Terrazas
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Analysis of Standard Work and Reconfiguration in OPEN Manufacturing Area at Ethicon Independencia Site
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Names: Diego Rodriguez, Johanna Flores, Lilia K. Ugarte
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Line Reconfiguration L-31 Vicryl Regular and Plus
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Names: Marwa Alfaji, Eisa Alsaidi, Bader Alshemeri, Eduardo Angulo, Mashare Alanzi
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Metro-Cal Lab Accreditation
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Names: Hussain Al Yami, Abdullah G. Alotaibi, Hatem L. Aldossary, Roberto Delgado, Carlos Morales
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
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Names: Sofia V. Ortega Haro, Salem N. Alajmi, Ernesto Perales
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Addressing Healthcare Acquired Infections: CLABSI and SSI
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Names: Meshal Almutairi, Ellisse Gil Soto, Paola Muro-Martinez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Providence Team II: Final Presentation
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Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Observation Unit Patient Discharge Optimization
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Names: Grisel Rosales, Jorge Lopez, Sergio Luna
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: OEE standardization on losses and creating a governance model at Johnson & Johnson
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Names: Valeria Bernal, Alfonso Magdaleno, Ariadne Sanchez Valdes
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Manufacturing Capacity and Optimization of Space: Site Master Plan Line 25 at Johnson & Johnson (Torres Plant in Ciudad Juarez)
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Names: Miguel Castro, Aime Valdez, Andres Hernandez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Mount Franklin Foods Machine OEE Improvement
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Names: Joel Aguirre, Nayef Almutairi, Jesus Marquez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Improving Productivity through reduction of reworks & Line Balancing in the SWBDs area at Schneider Electric
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Names: Eduardo Campos, Alejandro Palacios, Carlos Palma
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Facility Layout for Better Flow in Process Line at Becton Dickinson
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Names: Diego Cantu, Alan Diaz, Luis Osegueda
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Microgrid Project
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Names: Fahad Alotaibi, Hassan Alajmi, Jesus Gutierrez, Jose Quintero
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Design project of a food supplies forecasting system for UMC`s food service department
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Names: Fares Alotaibi, Naser Alajmi, David Corella
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Evaluation of the manufacturing and inventory processes at Sunrise MFG
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Names: Jesus Bensojo, Eric Lucero, Hugo Mendieta, Paul Quinones, Maria Villaverde
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Body Drying and Inspection Apparatus
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Names: Sergio Flores, Valeria Chavira, Flor Manzanares, Alberto Chavez, Jesus Rivas
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Body Drying and Inspection Apparatus
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Names: Victor Aceves, Erick Reyes, Ivanna Schaefer
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Standardization of Sandwiches at Sprouts Farmers Market
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Names: Abdullah M Alajmi, Cynthia I Arias, Daniel A Rodriguez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Standardizing Shipping Process at Eureka Signs Company
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Names: Nicholas Olivares, Sandra Minjares, Bryan Mata, Elizabeth Rueda, Alejandro Espinola
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: PMO 2.0
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Names: Ana Canizales, Luis Ochoa, Natalie Valenzuela, Omar Candelaria, Ajay Naidu, Andrea Noriega
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Planning Monitoring System
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Names: Abdalrahman Almekhlef, Juan E. Apodaca, Leticia Montilla
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Sunset ID Care Clinic Workflow Assessment
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Names: Alex Hernandez, Elizabeth Lujan, Diana Canizales, German Ramirez, Oscar Diaz de Leon, Edgar Reyes, Braulio Monterroza
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Planning Monitoring System
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Names: Maria Arroyo, Christian Carreon, Alan Guillen
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Trash and Cardboard Disposal Process
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Names: Ruben Guadian, Gina E. Moreno and Abdulla Saad
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Coca Cola Can Line Scrap Measuring Process
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Names: Grecia Orozco, Jorge Valenzuela and Berenice Flores
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Site Master Plan at Johnson & Johnson
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Names: Mariana Meraz, Francisco Villarreal, Eduardo Munoz
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Johnson & Johnson “Day by the Hour Electronic Usage”
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Names: Jimena Porras, Carlos Sandoval, Alfredo Luevano, Lorenzo Olivas, Edgardo Flores
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: NUBAs Requirement and Review Processes
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Names: Priscila Gomez, Lorenzo Luevano, Luis Oliva, Heidy Seo, Antonio Zuñiga
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: NUBASE Requirements and Reviews Process
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Names: Eduardo Castillo, Paulina Del Pozo
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Atmospheric Water Collection System for Agricultural Purposes
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Names: Jesus Cervantes, Magdalena Angulo, Maria Laura Rodriguez, Dibely Quinones
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Del Sol Medical Center Interventional Radiology Patient Flow Improvement
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Names: Andrea Galindo, Pedro Marquez, Javier Martinez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Storage Project Planning and Design Layout at Fortune Plastic & Metal
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Names: James Newson, Rocio Duran, Jaime Torres
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Review, update and validate sanitation procedures at Coca Cola Refreshments
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Names: Valeria Bejarano, Gabriel Garcia, Andres Mendez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Inventory and Operations Improvement for Del Sol Medical Center Engineering Department
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Names: Mayra Acosta, Carolina Martinez, Jennifer Mendez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Material Replenishment, OEE Standardization & Freight Cost Analysis
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Names: Kim Dominguez, Francisco Ivan Armendariz, Oscar Cedillo
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Diagnostic Center Outpatient Workflow
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Names: Patricia De La Rosa, Elizabeth Delgado, Miguel Carrera, Alejandra Salaices, Eira Chico
Type of Capstone: Team Project Assigned by Instructor
Capstone Project Title: Online Program Service System - 海角社区 Connect and Library
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Names: Margarita Muro, Karla Corral, David Venzor, Aleida Betancourt & Angel De La Rosa
Type of Capstone: Team Project Assigned by Instructor
Capstone Project Title: Instructional Design Team of Academic Technologies
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Names: Lorenzo Renteria, Louis Steinmentz, Edgar Armendariz, Alberto Yepez & Enrique Jimenez
Type of Capstone: Team Project Assigned by Instructor
Capstone Project Title: Extended University System for the Development of Fully Online Degree Programs
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Names: Jose Cervantes
Type of Capstone: Project Proposed by Team
Capstone Project Title: Vehicle Health Report Simulator
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Names: Dewanna Jenkins, Elizabeth Silva, Maria Hernandez
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: The Rockwell Duck Farm Supply Chain
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Names: Ileana Rubio, Jessica Canales & Ana De Haro
Type of Capstone: Practical Application
Capstone Project Title: Implementation of Speed, Accumulation & Lost Time (SALT) methodology to increase USLE in production lines in Coca-Cola Refreshments Company
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Names: Sandra Minjares, Daniel Gil, Jimena Porras
Type of Capstone (海角社区, teaching, practical application): Capstone
Capstone Project Title: Lead Time Reduction and Layout Analysis in CareFusion (BD)
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Names: Cristina Enriquez, Edgar Lopez, Georgina Dominguez
Type of Capstone (海角社区, teaching, practical application): Practical Application Capstone
Capstone Project Title: Non-Sterile Bulk Line Balancing
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Names: Alejandra Gallegos, Marina Vazquez, Jose Dozal
Type of Capstone (海角社区, teaching, practical application): Senior Design Project Capstone
Capstone Project Title: Non-Sterile Bulk Line Balancing
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Names: Julio Perez, Estefania Vazquez, Jose Rocha
Type of Capstone (海角社区, teaching, practical application): Senior Design Project Capstone
Capstone Project Title: Increasing Efficiency in Packaging Equipment
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Names: Daniel Borunda, Adriana Dominguez Gonzalez, Luis Hernandez
Type of Capstone : Senior Design Project
Capstone Project Title: Designing a layout to optimize material and information flow at a recycling center
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Names: Juan V. Fernandez, Jose Gutierrez, Fernie Najera
Type of Capstone: Industrial Engineering Senior Capstone Design Course
Capstone Project Title: Define, Measure, Analyze, Implement, and Control (DMAIC) for waste reduction in VersaWipes
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Names: Luisa Matamoros, Martin Moncada, Raymundo Ruiz Hernandez
Type of Capstone (海角社区, teaching, practical application): Capstone
Capstone Project Title: Reordering System Design and Warehouse Reorganization
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Names: Estefania Carzoli, Daniel Garcia, Valeria Chavira, Elizabeth Mendia
Type of Capstone (海角社区, teaching, practical application): Practical Application Capstone
Capstone Project Title: Lean Project Efficiency, Productivity & Optimization of Floor Usage
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