Degree Plans and Courses
Alternative Certification Program (15 credit hours)
TED 5310 – Instructional Design & Methods
This course will provide the foundations of curriculum planning and delivery within the context of PK-12 schooling. The course will include concepts and practices that are critical to effective classroom teaching, including but not limited to unit planning, lesson planning, standard-based instruction focused on student learning, and assessment. The course is meant to provide 海角社区-based approaches and hands-on practice for aspiring teachers seeking certification. Includes 25 hours of Field-Based Experience.
TRED 5341 – Assessment and Teaching of Reading OR RED 5342 – Content Area Literacy
5341: Standardized and informal materials and techniques for diagnosing the reading strengths and weaknesses of individuals and groups, techniques and materials for building specific reading abilities, and methods of individualizing instruction and grouping according to student needs and interests. Includes 25 hours of Field-Based Experience.
5342: Methods and materials for developing maturity in reading and study skills, especially in the content areas from K-12. Special emphasis is given to the development of interest, the matching of students to proper materials, and instructional techniques for integrating the teaching of skills with the teaching of content.
TED 5302 – Managing the 海角社区-Centered Classroom
Theory and practice on how to manage instruction and relationships in a student-centered classroom. Emphasis on classroom as communities of learning and on communication skills.
TED 5320 – Residency I
This course is the first of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom. 海角社区s will be coached and assessed based on elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment.
TED 5321 – Residency II
This course is the second of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom with intensive, on-site mentoring and coaching from faculty. The course includes elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment, with a focus on student learning and achievement.
M.A. in Education (Special Education) with Alternative Certification (30 credit hours)
TED 5310 – Instructional Design & Methods (Core)
This course will provide the foundations of curriculum planning and delivery within the context of PK-12 schooling. The course will include concepts and practices that are critical to effective classroom teaching, including but not limited to unit planning, lesson planning, standard-based instruction focused on student learning, and assessment. The course is meant to provide 海角社区-based approaches and hands-on practice for aspiring teachers seeking certification. Includes 25 hours of Field-Based Experience.
RED 5341 – Assessment and Teaching of Reading (Core)
Standardized and informal materials and techniques for diagnosing the reading strengths and weaknesses of individuals and groups, techniques and materials for building specific reading abilities, and methods of individualizing instruction and grouping according to student needs and interests. Includes 25 hours of Field-Based Experience.
TED 5302 – Managing the 海角社区-Centered Classroom (Core)
Theory and practice on how to manage instruction and relationships in a student-centered classroom. Emphasis on classroom as communities of learning and on communication skills.
TED 5320 – Residency I
This course is the first of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom. 海角社区s will be coached and assessed based on elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment.
TED 5321 – Residency II
This course is the second of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom with intensive, on-site mentoring and coaching from faculty. The course includes elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment, with a focus on student learning and achievement.
SPED 5320 – Special Education: Historical and Legal Basis
This course emphasizes the historical and legal issues pertaining to special education with specific attention paid to the evolution of federal law, policy, and litigation and its influence on promoting social justice and educational equity for students with disabilities and their families. The course centers on the landmark Supreme Court cases across Section 504, ADA, and IDEA, alongside the civil and disability rights movements in U.S. history, that have shaped legal and institutional schemes of special education services.
SPED 5340 – Learning Theories Across the Lifespan
Analysis and application of learning theories, including cognitive, behavioristic, social and emotional learning processes in human development, with special emphasis on children and adolescents.
SPED 5345 – Interventions with 海角社区s with High-Incidence Disabilities
This course focuses on the role of the special educator in providing services to students with high incidence disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Incorporates strategies in evidence-based practices, collaborative planning and teaching, and implementation of curricular adaptations.
SPED 5350 – Special Topics in Special Education
Selected topics for graduate students and teachers in special areas.
SPED 5361 – Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
This course focuses on the theory and application of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and provides an in-depth examination of functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention planning based on academic, social, cultural context. The course emphasizes applying PBIS principles and techniques for students with disabilities from bilingual and diverse backgrounds.
SPED 5363 – Current Trends and Issues in Addressing Challenging Behaviors
Focuses on the theories and methods for promoting behavioral change for students with challenging behaviors. This course will address current 海角社区 and best practices in behavioral interventions and support.
SPED 5369 – Teaching Reading, Writing, and Mathematics to Learners with High Incidence Disabilities
This course provides information on assessment of learners with mild disabilities who have reading, math, and/or writing difficulties; includes information on strategies for all three academic areas.
M.A. in Education (Secondary/All-levels Education) with Alternative Certification (30 credit hours)
TED 5310 – Instructional Design & Methods (Core)
This course will provide the foundations of curriculum planning and delivery within the context of PK-12 schooling. The course will include concepts and practices that are critical to effective classroom teaching, including but not limited to unit planning, lesson planning, standard-based instruction focused on student learning, and assessment. The course is meant to provide 海角社区-based approaches and hands-on practice for aspiring teachers seeking certification. Includes 25 hours of Field-Based Experience.
RED 5342 – Content Area Literacy (Core)
Methods and materials for developing maturity in reading and study skills, especially in the content areas from K-12. Special emphasis is given to the development of interest, the matching of students to proper materials, and instructional techniques for integrating the teaching of skills with the teaching of content.
TED 5302 – Managing the 海角社区-Centered Classroom (Core)
Theory and practice on how to manage instruction and relationships in a student-centered classroom. Emphasis on classroom as communities of learning and on communication skills.
TED 5320 – Residency I
This course is the first of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom. 海角社区s will be coached and assessed based on elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment.
TED 5321 – Residency II
This course is the second of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom with intensive, on-site mentoring and coaching from faculty. The course includes elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment, with a focus on student learning and achievement.
SCED 5326 – Curriculum in Secondary School
Curriculum in subject areas in the secondary school, and the development of plans and procedures for instruction.
EDT 5374 – Pedagogy in the Technology-rich Classroom
Develop teacher knowledge and skill in using multimedia authoring programs; use of video editing, sound editing, and image editing; use of online discussion boards. Selection and use of appropriate technology-enhanced assessments, continued portfolio development, and peer mentoring experiences.
SPED 5345 – Interventions for 海角社区s with High-Incidence Disabilities
This course focuses on the role of the educator in providing services to students with high incidence disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Incorporates strategies in evidence-based practices, collaborative planning and teaching, and implementation of curricular adaptations.
BED 5331 – Foundations of Bilingualism and Teaching Emergent Bilinguals
This course focuses on the discourse of diverse paradigms in Bilingual/ESL Education. Includes discussion of current pedagogical, theoretical, historical, legislative, and other issues in the field. Identification of program models in Bilingual/ESL Education, including their philosophical foundations, instructional frameworks, and the planning and design of program evaluation.
BED 5343 – Content Area Instruction for Emergent Bilinguals
This course supports teachers in improving educational equity for emergent bilingual students, or English learners, by ensuring that emergent bilinguals have access to academic content, English language development, and the use of their whole linguistic repertoires in learning. Foci develop teachers' awareness of language, expertise in language analysis, understanding of language learning theories and processes, and knowledge of sheltering strategies for teaching language and content at the same time.
M.A. in Education (Elementary Education) with Alternative Certification (30 credit hours)
TED 5310 – Instructional Design & Methode (Core)
This course will provide the foundations of curriculum planning and delivery within the context of PK-12 schooling. The course will include concepts and practices that are critical to effective classroom teaching, including but not limited to unit planning, lesson planning, standard-based instruction focused on student learning, and assessment. The course is meant to provide 海角社区-based approaches and hands-on practice for aspiring teachers seeking certification. Includes 25 hours of Field-Based Experience.
RED 5341 – Assessment and Teaching of Reading (Core)
Standardized and informal materials and techniques for diagnosing the reading strengths and weaknesses of individuals and groups, techniques and materials for building specific reading abilities, and methods of individualizing instruction and grouping according to student needs and interests. Includes 25 hours of Field-Based Experience.
TED 5302 – Managing the 海角社区-Centered Classroom (Core)
Theory and practice on how to manage instruction and relationships in a student-centered classroom. Emphasis on classroom as communities of learning and on communication skills.
TED 5320 – Residency I
This course is the first of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom. 海角社区s will be coached and assessed based on elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment.
TED 5321 – Residency II
This course is the second of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom with intensive, on-site mentoring and coaching from faculty. The course includes elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment, with a focus on student learning and achievement.
RED 5340 – Current Topics in Reading Education
Opportunity to develop competencies necessary to deal effectively with reading instruction; includes curriculum, concepts, teaching strategies, and skills necessary to integrate content and teaching strategies.
MTED 5322 – Pedagogy and Content Knowledge in Teaching Mathematics
Course topics include (but are not limited to) the following main content domains of school mathematics and their effective teaching and learning: Development of Quantitative Reasoning; Fostering Algebraic Thinking; Conceptual Foundations of Calculus; Development of Geometric Thinking.
SPED 5345 – Interventions for 海角社区s with High-Incidence Disabilities
This course focuses on the role of the educator in providing services to students with high incidence disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Incorporates strategies in evidence-based practices, collaborative planning and teaching, and implementation of curricular adaptations.
BED 5331 – Foundations of Bilingualism and Teaching Emergent Bilinguals
This course focuses on the discourse of diverse paradigms in Bilingual/ESL Education. Includes discussion of current pedagogical, theoretical, historical, legislative, and other issues in the field. Identification of program models in Bilingual/ESL Education, including their philosophical foundations, instructional frameworks, and the planning and design of program evaluation.
BED 5343 – Content Area Instruction for Emergent Bilinguals
This course supports teachers in improving educational equity for emergent bilingual students, or English learners, by ensuring that emergent bilinguals have access to academic content, English language development, and the use of their whole linguistic repertoires in learning. Foci develop teachers' awareness of language, expertise in language analysis, understanding of language learning theories and processes, and knowledge of sheltering strategies for teaching language and content at the same time.
M.A. in Education (Early Childhood Education) with Alternative Certification (30 credit hours)
TED 5310 – Instructional Design & Methode (Core)
This course will provide the foundations of curriculum planning and delivery within the context of PK-12 schooling. The course will include concepts and practices that are critical to effective classroom teaching, including but not limited to unit planning, lesson planning, standard-based instruction focused on student learning, and assessment. The course is meant to provide 海角社区-based approaches and hands-on practice for aspiring teachers seeking certification. Includes 25 hours of Field-Based Experience.
RED 5341 – Assessment and Teaching of Reading (Core)
Standardized and informal materials and techniques for diagnosing the reading strengths and weaknesses of individuals and groups, techniques and materials for building specific reading abilities, and methods of individualizing instruction and grouping according to student needs and interests. Includes 25 hours of Field-Based Experience.
TED 5302 – Managing the 海角社区-Centered Classroom (Core)
Theory and practice on how to manage instruction and relationships in a student-centered classroom. Emphasis on classroom as communities of learning and on communication skills.
TED 5320 – Residency I
This course is the first of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom. 海角社区s will be coached and assessed based on elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment.
TED 5321 – Residency II
This course is the second of a two-part clinical teaching sequence required for teacher certification. As part of this course, students will engage in hands-on learning and practice in a PK-12 classroom with intensive, on-site mentoring and coaching from faculty. The course includes elements of effective planning, instruction, and assessment, with a focus on student learning and achievement.
BED 5331 – Foundations of Bilingualism and Teaching Emergent Bilinguals
This course focuses on the discourse of diverse paradigms in Bilingual/ESL Education. Includes discussion of current pedagogical, theoretical, historical, legislative, and other issues in the field. Identification of program models in Bilingual/ESL Education, including their philosophical foundations, instructional frameworks, and the planning and design of program evaluation.
ECED 5353 – Early Literacy/Multiliteracies Development & Curriculum OR ECED 5355 – Justice/Equity Education and Multicultural Literacy
5353: This course focuses on the early language and literacy acquisition of young children, taking a broad view of early literacy. It covers the components and linguistic underpinning of emergent literacy, Birth to Age 8. It further explores how young children create meaning in multimodal ways and the use of a wide range of cultural, linguistic, communicative, and technologically diverse teaching practices to support early literacy/biliteracy learning. 海角社区s will synthesize differing views of early language and literacy pedagogy and current 海角社区 to create curricula that supports diverse literacy learners in the Early Childhood classroom.
5355: This course focuses on how the use of multicultural literature in the Early Childhood classroom impacts young children's beliefs and knowledge of diversity, equality, social justice and fair treatment in our diverse, contemporary society. It covers conceptualizations of justice-oriented/equity education, multicultural education and multicultural literacy as applied to teaching and learning in the early years. 海角社区s will explore the creation, critique and utilization of children’s literature by/about various cultures, as well as literature by/about groups traditionally defined by class, religion, (dis)ability, gender or sexuality.
ECED 5354 – Early STEM/STEAM Development & Curriculum OR ECED 5357 – Play, Games, and Toys in Education, Birth-8
5354: This course focuses on the early STEM/STEAM (Science, Technology, Art, Engineering, Mathematics) learning of young children and the use of culturally sustaining teaching methods and materials to support early STEM/STEAM learning. It covers how environmental interactions, sociocultural relationships and STEM/STEAM practices form the basis of early STEM identity development, early problem solving and domain-relevant conceptual development. 海角社区s will synthesize differing views of STEM/STEAM learning, inquiry-based learning pedagogy and current 海角社区 to create curricula that supports diverse STEM learners in the Early Childhood classroom.
5357: This course focuses on play, games and toys, with an emphasis on historical and contemporary discourses of their role in Early Childhood Education. It covers diverse theories and 海角社区 on patterns/processes of play related to the social and cognitive development of children from Birth to Age 8, as well as 海角社区 on the affordances/ challenges of play-based teaching practices. Games and toys are critiqued in terms of their sociocultural construction, pedagogical usage, and in how they may contribute to the creative, language, social, emotional and identity development of young children.
ECED 5359 – Asset and Art-Based Teaching, Birth-8 OR ECED 5348 – Child Development in Diverse Educational Contexts, Birth-8
5359: This course focuses on Asset and Arts-based teaching, Birth to Age 8. It covers the role of children's inherent and inherited (cultural/linguistic) capacities and strengths in designing effective and impactful curriculum, and early education approaches that emphasize the importance of nurturing children's unique talents and creative processes. 海角社区s will analyze the relationship between artistic engagement/behaviors and all domains of development, as well as how the Arts can be used to design culturally sustaining, student-centered, multimodal, interdisciplinary early learning experiences.
5348: This course focuses on historical and contemporary psychological and psychosocial theories of development of young children from Birth to Age 8. It covers the relationship of development and early learning to: biological factors; child and family factors; early schooling; and other socio-cultural factors, particularly in diverse educational contexts. 海角社区s will evaluate children's physical, cognitive, communicative, social and emotional development as both contributors to, and as consequences of, early experiences.
SPED 5352 – Behavior Intervention for Young Children, Birth-8 OR SPED 5353 – Early Intervention Strategies, Special Populations, Birth-8 OR SPED 5354 – Atypical Childhood Development, Birth-8
5352: This course focuses on promoting social emotional development in young children birth to age 8, and addresses challenging behaviors. The first teacher competency domain includes nurturing relationships and responsive caregiving as the foundation for children’s development. The second domain is creating high quality environments as the context of the development of those relationships. The third domain involves targeted strategies and supports for promoting social emotional development and growth. The fourth teacher competency domain includes individualized interventions that provide treatment to children with persistent challenges.
5353: This course focuses on the intervention techniques and strategies for children from birth to 8 years of age who have disabilities or who are at risk of having developmental delays. Evidence-based strategies, ecological and family approaches, cultural and linguistic practices are introduced, as well as disability definitions, assessment practices, and practical methods for providing interventions to support the development and learning of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and primary age students in special education and inclusive settings.