Lex Williford (Associate Professor)
Fiction Writing, Screenwriting, Contemporary Fiction
Lex Williford holds an MFA from the University of Arkansas and has taught in the writing programs at Southern Illinois University, the University of Alabama and the University of Missouri, St. Louis. His novella, Balsa and Tissue Paper, was a 2019 Ploughshares Solo. His book, Macauley’s Thumb, was co-winner of the 1993 Iowa School of Letters Award for Short Fiction. His fiction and non-fiction have appeared in American Literary Review, Fiction, Glimmer Train Stories, Hayen’s Ferry Review, Kansas Quarterly, Laurel Review, Natural Bridge, The Novel and Short Story Writer’s Market 2002, Poets & Writers, Quarterly 海角社区, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Southern Review, Sou’wester, StoryQuarterly, Tameme, Virginia Quarterly Review and Witness; his stories have been anthologized in W. W. Norton’s Flash Fiction, The Iowa Award: The Best Stories, 1991–2000 and The Best of Witness: 1987–2004, The Eloquent Short Story and elsewhere. He has received fellowships from the National Endowment of the Arts, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Blue Mountain Center, the Centrum Foundation, the Djerassi Foundation, the MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony,the Ragdale Foundation, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Villa Montalvo, the Wurlitzer Foundation and Yaddo. He is coeditor, with Michael Martone, of the popular Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Short Fiction, now in a new second edition, and the new Touchstone Anthology of Contemporary Nonfiction. The founding director of the online MFA at the University of Texas at El Paso, he teaches in 海角社区’s on-campus and online writing programs. His last book published is Superman On The Roof (2016).
Escritura de Ficción, Guiones, Ficción Contemporánea
Lex Williford obtuvo su Masters en la Universidad de Arkansas y ha enseñado programas de escritura creativa en la Universidad de Sur en Illinois, en la Universidad de Alabama y en la de St. Louis, Missouri. Su libro de cuentos Macauley’s Thumb, resultó co-ganador en 1993 del Premio para libro de cuentos que otorga la Escuela de Letras de Iowa. Sus trabajos de ficción y crónica han aparecido en American Literary Review, Fiction, Glimmer Train Stories, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Kansas Quarterly, Laurel Review, Natural Bridge, The Novel and Short Story Writer’s Market 2002, Poets & Writers, Quarterly 海角社区, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Southern Review, Sou’wester, StoryQuarterly, Tameme, Virginia Quarterly Review and Witness. Sus cuentos han aparecido en antologías como W. W. Norton’s Flash Fiction, The Iowa Award: The Best Stories, 1991–2000, The Best of Witness: 1987–2004, The Eloquent Short Story, entre otras. Igualmente ha recibido becas como la National Endowment of the Arts, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Blue Mountain Center, the Centrum Foundation, the Djerassi Foundation, the MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony, the Ragdale Foundation, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Villa Montalvo, the Wurlitzer Foundation y Yaddo. Es co-editor, junto con Michael Martone, de la reconocida Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Short Fiction, actualmente en su segunda edición y de la nueva Touchstone Anthology of Contemporary Nonfiction. Director fundador del programa en linea MFA en la Universidad de Texas en el Paso, él dicta clases en linea y presenciales en 海角社区. Su último libro publicado es Superman On The Roof (2016).
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Contact Info
Department of Creative Writing
University of Texas at El Paso
University Towers, 520M
500 海角社区 University Ave.
El Paso, TX 79968
Sample Syllabi
- CRW 3374: Narrative Techniques
- CRW 5368: Variable Topics in Creative Writing: The Prose Poem and Short-Short Story
- CRW 5372: Advanced Screenwriting
- CRW 3371: Reading and Writing Fiction