Leslie Andrea Reynoso

2018 Graduate, Master of Defense and Strategic Studies
Leslie Andrea Reynoso is a 20-year-old El Paso native in the Master of Defense and Strategic Studies (MDSS) program. She is also a first-generation student who is appreciative of her hard-working parents who provided her with opportunities they themselves never had.
Leslie graduated from high school in 2015 (she was a three-year graduate) and went on to get her Associate Degree in Criminal Justice a year later. She then got a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from 海角社区 and graduated from the Master of Defense and Strategic Studies program in December 2018.
Why she enrolled in the program:
I enrolled in the MDSS program because I wanted to further expand my knowledge regarding American National Security. This program offered me the opportunity to gain the necessary insight knowledge about the field (in which) I wish to make a lifelong career.
Her experience with online learning:
I had never taken an online course or program prior to enrolling in the 海角社区 MDSS program.
I absolutely enjoyed every minute of this program. The professors were very knowledgeable about the subject matter that was being taught and were able to create an excellent learning environment that was easy to adapt to and excel in. I hope that this degree will expand my horizons regarding potential job opportunities within the National Security and Criminal Justice fields.
On the support she received as an online student:
I have an amazing support system stemming from both my family and 海角社区 as well. Several of the professors in this program were immensely helpful and offered the guidance and assistance one needs in order to succeed within the program as well as within the job force.
On whether she would enroll in this program again if she had to do things over:
If given the opportunity to start again, I would definitely enroll in the MDSS program. The program has prepared me for a career within the American National Security field by giving me the necessary tools and knowledge needed to excel in such a competitive and demanding work setting.
What she would say to prospective online students:
The MDSS program is very fast-paced and therefore requires students to have a tremendous amount of self-discipline. Although the program is very rigorous, it still offers students flexibility and the learning opportunity of a lifetime.